Snowed in at camp, Standing Rock, North Dakota 2016.
“Social Justice & Protests”- It’s often in the streets where we find ourselves and those who like us, are driven out the door by a knowing that things must change. The collective power can only be felt when you lean into the unknown, sometimes trusting blindly in your body guiding you through the commons together. It’s in these spaces without screens that we rediscover ourselves as a conscious amoeba full of potential. Through these experiences at Standing Rock, in solidarity with teachers, students, immigrants, the incarcerated, international allies, and visions of new forms, my sense of life is discovered anew time and time again.
Teepee with winter approaching, Standing Rock, North Dakota, 2016.
Lee preparing the water medic team, Standing Rock, North Dakota, 2016.
A student ally at the teacher’s strike, Los Angeles, 2019.
Atlanta Police Department and detention facility, Atlanta, 2018.
City hall victory rally of the LA Teacher’s Strike, Los Angeles, 2019.
Day 2 of the LA Teacher’s Strike, Los Angeles, 2019.
Abolish I.C.E. occupation, Atlanta, Georgia, 2018.
Stick-n-pokes at the occupation, Atlanta, GA, 2018.
Teacher’s strike supporters fill the streets and nearby parking garage, Los Angeles, 2019.
LA Teacher’s Strike Day 3, Los Angeles, 2019.
LA Teacher’s Strike Day 4, Los Angeles, 2019.
Looking out at the barricades set up by DAPL in the fight to resist the building of the pipeline, Standing Rock, North Dakota, 2016.
My home for a time, Standing Rock, North Dakota 2016.
A gesture, I.C.E. offices, 2018.
The Cause, Los Angeles, 2019.
Striking with LA Teachers Day 1, Los Angeles, 2019.
Victory Rally of the LA Teacher’s Strike, Los Angeles, 2019.
untitled, Atlanta, Georgia, 2018.
On the steps of city hall for the Teacher’s Strike, Los Angeles, 2019.
LA Teacher’s Strike, Los Angeles, 2019.
LA Teacher’s Strike day 1, Los Angeles, 2019.
Collective joy in the streets at the Abolish I.C.E. Occupation, Atlanta, Georgia 2018.
In the street, Atlanta, Georgia, 2018.
LA Teacher’s Strike Day 2, Los Angeles, 2019.
LA Teacher’s Strike Day 2, Los Angeles, 2019.
reading at the occupation, Atlanta, Georgia, 2018.
resting, Atlanta, Georgia, 2018.
Tattoos together in unlikely places, Atlanta, Georgia, 2018.
Abolish I.C.E., Atlanta, Georgia, 2018.